New Bags Needed

My trip to Babbacombe in September has prompted the need to seek out some new pannier bags. My original Altura bags are pretty worn now with one falling apart, in part, due to flying off my rack going over some ridiculous humps created in popup cycle lanes around Brum during COVID. They’ve served me well for a few years touring and commuting but it’s time to invest in a new pair.

back in 2018

If I’m going to buy something for my bike, I like to do a bit of research and I’m a firm believer if you buy cheap you get cheap. However, the search for panniers didn’t take long because the internet says the Ortlieb Back Roller Classics are among the best if the not the best. Been around for years and they tick all my boxes. Waterproof, 20L each capacity, solid and stable when mounted and get good reviews.

The dilemma I have is what colour do I go for?

decisions, decisions

The only other question mark was whether I went for the Back-Roller Free which is a single bag so I’d have to buy two but it is PVC-free which is a bit more environmentally-friendly (is it though really?) and is available in the latest Quick-Lock 3.1 adapter too.

The QL3.1 adapter is attractive, it hooks on at the bottom then just rolls in and snaps in place unlike the QL2.1 which is the traditional pannier adapter which hooks on over the top of the rack rail and the lower hook is used to hold the bag against the rack frame.

To be honest I’m not that bothered and I fancy a bit of colour. The Back-Roller Free bag is only available in glossy black. So I think the decision is to go for the standard Back-Roller Classic and I’m leaning towards the Asphalt colour which is the grey because it’s quite neutral and a different colour to black.

its a done deal I think

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