C25K – Week #1, Day #2 + Fasting

Let me say this. I don’t know if it’s my age, I don’t know if it’s my technique or I’m just shit at running but running is harsh man! After my first session my quads were really sore yesterday and my shins were complaining prior to my 2nd run today too. I only actually ran for 8 mins FFS. My heels needed a bit of maintenance with my massager too but I expected that.

I’ve been looking at running shoes and I’m trying to resist the urge to get some which I’m sure will help the sore legs a bit but I’m keen to give myself a goal and a treat for making it to Week #4. #nopainnogain LOL

Today’s run, despite sore shins actually felt like I had a bit more bounce and the quads were fine too so a glimmer of progress already. I was dreaming of Parkrun’s and Half-Marathons today and then had to give myself a wobble. I complete Week #1 on Friday.

Intermittent Fasting

In other news I started my intermittent fasting on NYD with some eye-opening results. I lost 1.5kg in the first 24 hours which is a LOT and too much. Today I expected it to go up slightly or flatline. I thought I must have been dehydrated yesterday to lose that much but no, another 0.3kg loss or just under 4lbs lost in old money in 2 days. Still too soon to say if it will continue at that rate or be consistent but my initial plan is 7 days then I’ll review. If the weight loss is too harsh I risk losing muscle (which I don’t have much of anywhere except my legs) so I may have to tweak up my calorie and carb intake a bit more to compensate.

It hasn’t been too hard either. I’m loosely working to a 16h fast, 8h eating period plan this week but it’s actually turned out to be around 19h/5h respectively. I skip breakfast (which is common for me) and have a black coffee. I eat a light snack around lunchtime then I try and eat a decent main meal before 6.30pm. If I still feel a bit hungry I might have a yoghurt or fruit. I’ve found I still feel a bit hungry for an hour or two after eating my dinner then it goes away and I’m fine and I’ve slept well. I’ve had no alcohol too, just water.

Emotional vs Physical Hunger

I read an interesting article yesterday which explained the difference between emotional and physical hunger. Simply put, physical hunger is a response to sensations like a rumbling stomach. Emotional hunger is craving-based like when you fancy a bit of chocolate, chips or a kebab for example. Recognising the difference can help manage it. I thought it was quite interesting and definitely rang true for me. I eat when I’m bored when there is no need.

I’ve got a ride planned today and a Stretch session at the gym tonight. Welcome to the new me! LOL

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