After a week of rest, heat, massage with a tens machine and physio, I was pretty confident I’d be telling you I was back on my feet this week. Progress was good however my back has now relapsed with excruiating Sciatic nerve pain down my left leg. If I stand or sit I’m momentarily paralysed and then I have to wait for it to dissipate and settle. It’s like receiving an electric shock and my hamstring is being crushed in a vice. Sitting down is ok, standing isn’t comfortable and I can’t walk far. My trusty walking stick has come out of brief retirement.
Ironically I can ride my bike pain free but getting on and off isn’t nice.
Today I went to see a chiropractor who has put me on a twice weekly appointment and is confident I should see some results within 6 weeks. I’m hoping I can get some response soon as I fly to Malaga for a long weekend in 2 weeks.
For now it’s a diet of ice vs heat with some massage and treatment to empty my wallet just before Christmas. Fingers crossed Santa brings me a new back.
Oh the joys
Merry Xmas
Ah crap 😔