Resolution Rides #7 and #8
As I alluded to in my last Resolution Ride blog in August, work and life got in the way of completing one every calendar month in 2020 as I’d originally … Continue reading Resolution Rides #7 and #8
As I alluded to in my last Resolution Ride blog in August, work and life got in the way of completing one every calendar month in 2020 as I’d originally … Continue reading Resolution Rides #7 and #8
I woke up like a coiled spring again but a hot bath and an extended stretch before and after breakfast sorted that. I left at almost 11am on the dot, … Continue reading Babbacombe Day 3
I woke this morning quite woozy. Broken sleep due to a different bed and the room being too hot meant I was up a few times in the night. I … Continue reading Babbacombe Day 2
The Prologue Before I even started my little foray down to Torquay today, I had to do a days work. So at 7.45am I left the house, bike fully loaded. … Continue reading Babbacombe Day 1
Last Tuesday I did a ride to work across Brum with my bikepacking rear bag. A kind of dress rehearsal for this week’s ride to Torquay. Its the first time … Continue reading Rack, bags and how much rubber?
Accommodation booked. Routed sorted. My 3 day amble down to Babbacombe in 3 weeks is on. After spending a bit of time on the routes, my favourite bit of this … Continue reading Babbacombe on down
Finally I get to do a bit of touring on my bike this year. I’d planned a mini 3 day tour to Radnorshire in April but COVID killed that idea … Continue reading Down to the Downs