I love maps. I can spend hours scanning them over and over searching for routes, particularly bits off offroad, tracks and bridleways to link up. But what I’ve always wanted is the ability to save them somewhere.
I thought I’d found the answer with plotaroute.com. On there I can plot and save my own collection of routes and segments etc but what would be even better is if everyone did the same and there was a public repository so we can all share our local knowledge.
I give you gravelmap.com. Everything I ever wanted (almost) in a mapping site/app. Here I can plot and save my routes and spend more hours looking at everyone else’s deriving inspiration for new routes. Locally its a bit thin on the ground but I’ve added some of mine with the hope it will make others do the same.
If you ride offroad. Give it a go and lets share. It’s still a bit basic but really easy to use and the principle is spot on for me. I’ll be using it.