Course: Road to Ruins
Distance: 30km
I decided to give this a go tonight. Bit late for me as I’ve usually eaten with my girlfriend but she was on nights so I could do what I wanted! My legs were very sore (like I’ve run 10km!) from riding my new bike on round rings after a temporary switch from Q’s. I can’t tell you how much it fucks your legs up but that is another story and another blog probably this week. No stream either as I couldn’t be arsed setting it up in a rush. Soz.
25 odd were in the pen at the start. The group quickly split after the start with a lead group of around 8 forming in the tunnel. I put down a steady 4w/kg and the group held firm. It got stretched on the exit ramp and then onto the first climb and the group split again forming a lead group of 4. Myself, Johnson, Clark and Neonride. After a tasty (big pulls) drag to the summit of the course, the group worked well on the descent into the Jungle holding a steady pace. It got tasty again on the climb back out back to the summit but eased through the esses before the Italian Villas. Johnson dropped a watt bomb on the drag to the Villas and held us off until we hit the straight to the Volcano. I held onto the coat tails of the group. He boasted ‘..that woke you up didn’t it!..’ and it did. Clark and Johnson went again on the short kicker into the Volcano. My sorry legs wouldn’t go that deep. Neon jumped past me and got up to them and the lead 3 drifted away. I wound up a 5-6w/kg effort and pulled them back on the exit of the Volcano. With about a km to Johnson jumped again and the others followed. My legs were too sore for the big watts so I rolled in for 4th but happy with that.
Great ride and thanks to the everyone who rode