None of that New Year, new me shit. Everything I ever do or try to do these days is based on #keepitsimple. I should get it tattooed on my forehead so everyone else can be reminded life doesn’t have to be so complicated. Trying to maintain a simple life as possible while enjoying the simple pleasures it offers, like riding a bike, is one of the best things I’ve ever done but thats another blog. Maybe another day I’ll explain what #keepitsimple means to me a bit more.
#keepitsimple – lots of little, easy life hacks to make your life on the whole a bit easier
My cycling goals for next year are quite straightforward. Just enough to keep myself focussed. Its a given we all want to be in better shape because of the indulgence of xmas and I’ve started already doing some core work. I’m 10 days in. 55 sit-ups, 65 crunches, 33 leg raises and 40 secs of plank this morning…on Boxing Day. Put that in your pipe!
So here are my five.
- 10,000km. I did it last year and set myself a very ambitious 12,500km this year and I will even miss the 10k by about 600km this year so I think 10,000 again is a realistic target and a nice round number isn’t it? Most of it will be commuting miles. One less car on the roads and how much CO2 will I save?
- Double Century. It was only a couple of years ago I was touting a goal to do just one 100 mile ride. I hadn’t done one for a few years and now a couple of years later I’ve bagged a few including a 200 miler. It was such a great day out. A must-do with others, I’d like to do it again but lets see who’s up for it first.
I’d do it again in a heartbeat - A 100km ride a month. I’ve pinched this off a fellow blogger I follow called Tempo Cyclist. Its a great idea and another one thats doable for me. Nice and simple, ride at least one 100km ride a month, every month for the year. Its a great way to plan and focus month to month and will offer myself more opportunities to blog them. Did I just hear a groan? Get lost.
- New Bike. Yes, I hope to have a new bike in the spring. A road-based commuting machine and convert my current Ribble CGR AL into a fully fledged gravel bike like it deserves.
My N+1. The Cube Attain SL - Touring. I’m planning on getting the rack n panniers out again in May and get away for a few days. I’ve been seriously looking at Northern Ireland but since then I’ve been looking down south and around the Cotswolds too. Truth is I can’t decide where yet but its something I’ll be looking at in the Spring. #keepitsimple
Those are my 5 goals for 2020 but I also hope to continue with the occasional rides and blogs. I don’t get many opportunities to go for big, long rides but there will be a handful of times again in 2020 that I can so look out for those. I’m going to Fuerteventura in March. I’m thinking of taking my Ribble to use as a gravel bike there. Its perfect for that type of riding which will be nice to write about.
I will also continue to commute and report the bad driving. Sadly it doesn’t seem to get any better but all I can do is report it and hope they’re dealt with appropriately. My camera is in for repair at the moment but if you want to keep up with the videos, they’re all on my YouTube Channel and more will be added as and when the reports are made.
Adios for now.
Your Xmas day is my Boxing day this year. We call it Boxmas day and happens every two years as I alternate the day who has my son with his Mom. It works well. My son is coming round for the weekend in a bit and we get to do the presents, the meal and everything else you did yesterday, today so I’m signing off now to get ready for that and prep dinner. Merry Xmas.
Damn I should have put new bike on my list too! Haha!