Ribble CGR AL: 3 Things I’ve learned

I’ve been busy putting my new Ribble CGR through its paces the last couple of weeks. I’ve resumed my 25 mile round-trip commute to and from work and the weather has been…let’s say…variable. Wind, rain, sunshine, showers I’ve ridden in them all apart from snow. Here are three things I’ve learned about the bike in … Continue reading Ribble CGR AL: 3 Things I’ve learned

Ribble CGR AL: 3 Things I’ve learned

I’ve been busy putting my new Ribble CGR through its paces the last couple of weeks. I’ve resumed my 25 mile round-trip commute to and from work and the weather has been…let’s say…variable. Wind, rain, sunshine, showers I’ve ridden in them all apart from snow. Here are three things I’ve learned about the bike in … Continue reading Ribble CGR AL: 3 Things I’ve learned