Cambrian Mountains Gravel Epic

Yesterday was an early start. I’d set a 5.45am alarm to be away by 6.15am but I was awake just after 5 so I got up a bit earlier which gave me time to have a bit of breakfast without rushing. Sally was still asleep so I quietly loaded up the car and I was … Continue reading Cambrian Mountains Gravel Epic

Gravel, Goats and Chipmunks

Yesterday I decided to actually go and do a loop on the bike. The fresh tarmac road from Parques Hollandes, I found the other day, intrigued me so I decided to ride south through the dunes again, pick up the new road and climb up to Villaverde and gravel it all the way back via, … Continue reading Gravel, Goats and Chipmunks

Not What I Expected

After many years of bouncing around cycling clubs, racing, riding and help run them, that all came began to fade away after I closed my shop. The store rides that were established carried on in some capacity for a few years but I decided to officially end them in 2019. Since then I've never been … Continue reading Not What I Expected